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Our expectations

Policies Portal

This Policies Portal sets out the policies and generic standards of BT and the BT Group which, where relevant to the goods or services being provided, a supplier will be required to comply with.

Generic StandardsIssue / Date
Business Management Systems3/May 2019
Electromagnetic Compatibility2/Feb 2019
Health, Safety and Environment Policy2/Feb 2019
Data Privacy2/Feb 2020
Operational Equipment Power and Environment2/Feb 2019
Sourcing with Human Dignity2/Feb 2019
Product Stewardship2/Feb 2019
Climate Change2/Feb 2019

Change log:

Issue 2 for all document – Change to common format and style only – No change to contents

GS1 – Name changed. Ethics and conduct section removed since it is incorporated into GS0. H&S standard changed from OHSAS 18001 to ISO45001

GS0 - Supplier Pre-Qualification Standard has been removed.

GS1, GS7, GS11, GS12, GS13, GS16, GS18, GS19 and GS20 numbering has been removed.

Policy Archive

Policies listed were effective from the 1st day of the Month shown (unless otherwise stated).

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

ABC_Standard_August_2016 (Effective from August 2016 to August 2017)
ABC_Standard_October_2017 (Effective from October 2017 to October 2018)
ABC_Standard_October_2020 (Effective from October 2020 to August 2021)
ABC_Standard_September_2021 (Effective from September 2021 to August 2022)

Gifts & Hospitality

Gifts_and_Hospitality_Standard_November_2016 (Effective from November 2016 to November 2017)
Gifts_and_Hospitality_Standard_March_2018 (Effective from March 2018 to March 2019)
Gifts_and_Hospitality_Standard_December_2019 (Effective from December 2019 to February 2020)

Conflicts of Interest Policy

Conflicts_of_Interest_Standard_October_2017 (Effective from October 2017 to October 2018)
Conflicts_of_Interest_Standard_December_2018 (Effective from December 2018 to December 2018)
Conflicts_of_Interest_Standard_March_2019 (Effective from March 2019 to March 2020)

Electromagnetic Compatibility Standard

Electromagnetic_Compatibility_Standard_October_2017 (Effective from October 2017 to October 2017)

BT supplier security requirements

BT Security Requirement V5.1 (Effective from 17th April 2023 to 30th November 2023)
BT Security Requirement V5.0 (Effective from 7th November 2022 to 16th April 2023)
BT Security Requirement V4.1
BT Security Requirement V3.0
BT Security Requirement V2.0